الاثنين، 20 أكتوبر 2014

لا تهاجر الي كندا قبل قراءة هذا المقال!

ارسل لي أحد اصدقائي مقالة مثيرة للاهتمام وهي تصف معاناة القادمين الجدد الي كندا. كاتبة المقالة هي امرأة هندية قدمت الي كندا في عام 2009. وقد قمت بترجمة قصتها بالأسفل لاتاحتها لجميع القراء, حيث أن وجهة نظرها واقعية الي حد بعيد, ولو ان لهجة الرواية تعكس احساسا مبالغا بالمرارة واليأس, قد يكون دافعه الاحباط أكثر من النظرة الموضوعية للأمور. ويجب أن أوضح هنا, كما أذكر دائما في تعليقي علي الروايات المشابهة, أن الهدف من عرض هذه الرواية  ليس هو اثناء من يود الهجرة الي كندا عن حلمه, ولكنني أرغب في وضع تجارب لأخرين نصب أعينهم لكي يدركو تماما حجم التحدي الذي يواجههم. وان كانت هناك بعض قصص الفشل فهناك مايقابلها من قصص النجاج التي نحرص علي عرضها أيضا.  هاهي الرواية المترجمة:

بواسطة أوشا داس- تورونتو:
لقد قرأت هذا الأسبوع أن هناك حوالي 257 ألف مهاجر إلى كندا في عام 2012، وقد انتابتني القشعريرة  حين فكرت في مصير هؤلاء المهاجرين الذين  سوف يبدأون في البحث عن عمل في اليوم التالي من وصولهم. وعندما تستنفذ تقريبا أموالهم التي أحضروها معهم ,سوف يكون عليهم الحصول على وظيفة بسرعة. 

شخصيا، كان لدي عائلتي حياة ممتازة في دبي. فقد تمكنا من الحصول على تعليم جيد لأطفالنا. وكان لدي زوجي ولدي وظائف مرضية ورصيد مصرفي  جيد حيث كانت رواتبنا معفاة من الضرائب. ثم فجأة، خطرت لنا فكرة السفر الي كندا فقد كنا لا نريد العودة إلى الهند بعد أن عملنا لمدة عقدين من الزمن في دبي. لذلك قررنا التقدم بطلب الهجرة إلى كندا. وبعد بضعة سنوات من الانتظار،حصلنا على بطاقات الاقامة الدائمة.
عندما قلنا لأصدقائنا أننا ذاهبون إلى الاقامة في كندا، حذرنا كثير منهم وروا حكايات مروعة عن المهاجرين الجدد هناك. وأخبرونا  أن  الكثير ممن لديهم مهارات عالية  وخبرة، والذين عملوا في مناصب إدارية في دبي أو الهند، يعملون كسائقي أجرة أو عمال مصانع في كندا. وقالو لنا أيضا أنه اذا لم تحصل على وظيفة في مجالك، سيكون عليك للعمل في رتبة مهنية أقل بكثير وأن ذلك سوف يؤذي بعمق احترامك لذاتك وصورتك الشخصية.  في الواقع، اقترح بعض الأصدقاء بأننا سنكون أفضل حالا اذا عدنا للهند حيث الدفئ العائلي. ولكننا ظننا أنهم كانو يخدعوننا فلم تكترث لنصائحهم.

وهكذا في أبريل من عام 2009، سافرنا من دبي  الي تورونتو لبدء حياة جديدة ضد رغبات أصدقاء الأسرة. وكنا في عجلة من امرنا للعودة إلى الحياة المهنية السابقة لدينا. ولكن الأمر استغرق مني أكثر من بضع سنوات للحصول على رخصة للتدريس. ثم أنفقت المزيد من المال لتطوير مؤهلاتي ودفع رسوم عضوية النقابة. ثم اضطررت الى القيام بالكثير من العمل التطوعي وانتظرت ثم انتظرت وظيفة في مدرسة. لكن شيئا لم يحدث.

وهذا هو ملخص  قصتي: حتى بعد مضى أربعة سنوات في كندا وتطوير مهاراتي واستخدام  كل مدخراتنا، فما زلت بلا عمل. في الواقع، هذه هي قصة الآلاف من إخواننا المهاجرين. فالمجالس المدرسية تضرب كثيرا ويتم تسريح المعلمين. إنه وضع مخيف جدا لهم. ولكن مجالس المدارس مازالت تدرب  المزيد والمزيد من المعلمين لكسب المال! معظم هؤلاء المعلمين عاطلون عن العمل أو يقومون بشغل  وظائف تسد الرمق وتقتل ثقتهم بأنفسهم.

أما زوجي، الذي كان لديه ثلاثة عقود من الخبرة في العمل في البناء في دبي، فقد اضطر إلى القيام بوظائف مختلفة  لا  تستحق الذكر. ان مطاردة ما يسمى الحلم الكندي قد انتهت الي استنفاذ كل مدخراتنا. لقد أمضينا بالفعل بضع مئات من آلاف الدولارات لنعيش حياة مناسبة وكي لا تفقد الرغبة في البقاء في هذا البلد الذي يعاني من نقص أي فرص في العمل. وبعد أن استنفذنا ما يقرب من كل مدخراتنا، نحن لا نعرف الأن ما يجب القيام به بعد ذلك - سواء بالبقاء هنا أو العودة. أصبحت حياتنا في حالة اعاقة.

 نصيحتي للناس الذين يتلهفون علي الهجرة إلى كندا لتقديم مستقبل أفضل لأطفالهم هي: فكر مليا قبل أن تتخذ أي قرار ولا تخدع نفسك من خلال رسم صورة وردية في رأسك. قد ينتهي بك المطاف إلى العمل في المصانع، ومراكز الاتصال، والأجهزة الأمنية، في تيم هورتون أو مصانع التعبئة. سوف تفقد مدخراتك. وقد تفقد ثقتك بنفسك واحترام الذات. سوف تؤدي التوترات الي تدمير حياتك الزوجية والأسرية. وأخيرا، إذا كنت محظوظا بما فيه الكفاية، قد تحصل على وظيفة تمكنك من الحياة في بدروم منزل بينما تدفع الايجار لصاحب المنزل ليسدد الرهن العقاري لمنزل سوف يمتلكه يوما.

واذا فكرت فور وصولك في شراء منزل بجزء من مدخراتك فقد يكون هذا هو الخطأ الأسوأ. فماذا سيحدث اذا فقدت وظيفتك, وهو أمر حدث بالفعل مع أحد أصدقائي, فكيف ستستطيع أن تدفع قسط الرهن العقاري؟ علي الأرجح سوف ينهار حلمك وسوف تدفن أسفله. وحتي اذا حصلت علي وظيفة , وعلي الأغلب لن تكون جيدة, فأقصي ماتستطيع فعله هو البقاء علي قيد الحياة ودفع الرهن العقاري. سوف تستنفذ زهرة شبابك في ذلك. ان الأمر لا يستحق صدقني.

ان صراعنا للبقاء علي قيد الحياة مستمر حتي اليوم, ولا نعلم مني سوف نتخلي عن هذا المشروع الفاشل ونعود الي الهند. هذه هي قصة الكثير من المهاجرين الي كندا.


اذا أعجبك هذا المحتوي فاشترك ليصلك منا كل جديد

هناك 30 تعليقًا:

  1. Seriously! It hurts me when I read articles like this! Seriously?!!!! This woman says that after 4 years she still did not find a job!! Even though she spent all her money on developing her skills! She doesn't mention what kind of skills she has! But apparently, she is not very skilled at finding a job! As for her husband who had many years’ experience in construction and who had to do small jobs which are not even worth mentioning! Seriously?!! If a job is not worth mentioning for her maybe that is because she does not really want to work?!!! Makes me wonder! Besides, if her husband really wanted to stay in the construction field he should have got certified and he would have found plenty of jobs that pay real well. Then she goes on giving advice to people who are thinking about coming to Canada that they should think thoroughly before coming to Canada because they might end up working small jobs such as taxi drivers or in a Tim Horton which might make them lose their self-confidence and self-respect! Wow! Seriously woman!! If you are too arrogant to think you're better than people who work as taxi drivers or people working at a Tim Horton, then excuse yourself for not finding a job and don't bash an amazing country which offers plenty to new comers! And just on a side note, taxi drivers in here make plenty of money! It is a very nice job to have and not everyone can work such a job as you need plenty of money to afford having a taxi license, which if I am not mistaken cost more than $100000. I am an immigrant myself and I know what I am talking about! Unlike her, when I was a newcomer I had an open mind and kept my expectations realistic and here I am few years later in a job with a way above-average salary! Then this woman goes on advising people who are thinking about buying a house right away not to do so because she is so pessimistic and she thinks about what would happens if you lose your job (for someone as competent as her) then what will you do?!! As it did not occur to her that when you lose your job you should look for another one while you Employment Insurance pays you! Well… in case you don’t find a job at all (which I really doubt you wouldn’t if you’re seriously working on finding one), you can sell the house silly and you make a profit! A house can easily make you a profit of $10000 in a couple of years! She kept on repeating that she and her family are struggling to stay alive and that their youth has been robbed out by this country!!! Seriously! I am much more than mad at such an article, and when she ends up the article saying that this is the story of a lot of immigrants to Canada! I tell her NO it is not, it is only the story or people who like you are the laziest most arrogant and ignorant people who think they are better than people working at a Tim Horton, a call center, a taxi driver or whatever! Just for your information, I worked at a call center once and I really hated it, but it was a job and I don’t choose to be jobless if there is a job I can do, and while working at this call center, one of my colleagues was a doctor! Yes a doctor! He was newly established in Canada, he had a family and he was doing the necessary studies and tests in order to be able to practice and be a doctor in here! Unlike you, he wasn’t arrogant to say “I’m a doctor, what a shame it would be for me to work in a call center”. Please people, Canada is the best place to be as an immigrant, if you want to stay with this closed mentality of yours, please don’t come here at all!

    1. Thanks for ur opinion. much appreciated.

    2. Her article is extremely accurate. She is a teacher it is mentioned in detail. It is not laziness it is well known that Canadian experience is a must here. As well as a million dollars. It is super pricey.

    3. I am living in Canada and I agree with every word she said .... She is right

  2. مشكلة المهاجرين الجددد كمشكلتي انا شخصيا اننا نتعامل مع كندا بنفس العقلية التي نتعامل بها مع غيرها من البلدان و نعتقد ان ما يصلح في دبي يصلح في كندا . ما يجب فعله دراسة سوق العمل الكندي بالبدء بعمل مجدي. فمثلا زوج السيدة بدلا من ان ينفق مدخراته في انتظار الوظيفة الموعودة كان بالامكان البدء بعمل خاص في نفس المجال مؤسسة صيانة مباني صغيره مثلا و ستكون مربحة اكثر من العمل في دبي . اتحدث من واقع تجربة شخصية فقد كنت اعمل في دبي و انتقلت الى كندا و اوشكت ان اصل لحالة نفسية مشابهة للسيدة قبل ان اهتدي لفهم سوق العمل في كندا

    1. you are absolutely right Canada is for young who can get educated in Canadian standard

  3. قدمت لكندا منذ تسعة أشهر وإلى اللآن في نفس الداومة التي وقعت بها السيدة و زوجها فرص العمل المتاحة كلها عبارة عن Contingent work كاجوال على الرغم من حصولي على الماجستير في الاقتصاد من جامعة من جامعات القمة في بلدي، و للآن لم اعمل سوى كعامل مستودع و اقصى ما يمكن ان اعمل به هو Teller في بنك طبعا إذا شاء الله و ابتسم لك الحظ. وبالنسبة بالبدء بعمل خاص فليس كل مهاجر معه 100 ألف دولار او حتى 10 ألاف.

  4. I worked as Immigration and Citizenship counsel for 28 years. I must state to the lady who wrote her story. If you believed that you had it so good in Dubai. Why did you leave to Canada. The fact is obtaining citizenship from Canada apparently helps to obtain three times the wages in Dubai. So, in my experience. Most of the immigrants who came from the gulf have no intention to live in Canada. They were looking for obtaining a Canadian Citizenship and a passport to use it as easy travel instrument world wide. Canada is not for everyone. If you have no intention to contribute to the Canadian economy, please stay where you are. Canada for people who want to start their life from scratch. If you do not have the ability to make it. Then Canada does not want you. That lady who wrote her story had personal agenda to gain from Canada within the first four years of landing. Sorry mam, you were too optimistic. It does not work like that. I believe strongly, you will appreciate what you had in canada if you went back to India, or when Dubai kicks you out. Then, I am sure you will regret what you wrote about canada. If I know who you are, I will definitely strip you away from your permanent residence status, because you lied in your application about your real intention in immigration to Canada. You took away a place for someone who really needs to immigrate and build real life. Canada does not have slavery program to provide you with 200 dollar a month a maid to use. Canada does not waive your taxes because this is the government source of income.I strongly believe that you are not the type of person who appreciate what you have.

    1. Hello Mr.
      This is my email bassamsabbagh84@gmail.com if it
      possible to send me ur email.
      Thanks in advance

    2. If you really want a better economy in Canada , would you tell me why the hell are Canadian officers in Saudi Arabia refusing every applicant whether for Saudi citizens or permanent residence!! they're refusing everyone even for a study permit with no reasons at all other than the ultimate pretense "the officer is not satisfied" what kind of bullshit strategy is this ?? and you're talking about bringing better economy to Canada !
      Talking of your work as a consul ,as you see in this example above, this's exactly what you doing !! accepting people who won't follow,engage and enroll with rules or community and refusing people who will !! and all this just cause of your absolute moody unpredictable paranoid minds of your officers !!!

      I applied twice for Canada for study permit after receiving an acceptance in a top university ,paid around 1000$ for your applications and shitty contractors you're using and then what ??
      refused cause the paranoid officer is not satisfied I'm returning to Saudi Arabia !!!!!

    3. For the person who states that he/she was an Immigration and Citizenship counsel .What kind of mentality do you have?
      It is clear to so many people that the Canadian market refuses most of the qualified individuals and it is also clear that most professions prefer Canadian graduates who have no previous experience in the work place as compared to foreign graduates who have better experience.
      This is named as bias and unfortunately it is unfair bias.
      By the way, does woking in tim hortons provide better contribution to Canadian economy than working in a place that fits one's qualifications?
      I your position was really in the the Immigration and Citizenship counsel, I think you were in the wrong place.
      You are the one who should not be in Canada.

  5. لا تلوموا كندا ولوموا أنفسكم، لا يوجد عاقل يهاجر لبلد جديد دون ان يعمل بحث مستقيض عن سوق العمل والرواتب ومعادلة الشهادة وتكاليف الحياة والبطالة وغير ذلك، خيار الهجرة شخصي وكل شخص أدرى بظروفه وامكاناته وملاءمتها للسوق الكندي والمعلومات متاحة للجميع فسوء الاختيار يقع على الشخص نفسه فمثلا من المعروف ان فرص العمل والرواتب ضعيفة للمعلمين فلماذا اتعب نفسي سنين لمعادلة شهادات والحصول على اجازة في التدريس اذا كان سوق العمل ضعيف؟ هذا من سوء التخطيط وليس مشكلة كندا بل مشكلة المهاجر لانه لم يحسن التخطيط ومثلها الاطباء واطباء الاسنان من المعروف ان معادلة الشهادة صعبة وطويلة فمن ليس مستعدا لخوضها ثم يهاجر ويبدأ بالتذمر فهو الملام ولا احد غيره

    1. You are right, except that the canadian governement is putting totaly inacurate information about its job market and employement perspectives. Real life is so different than what they publish on their website.

  6. ana a khoti dafa3 hijra canada f 2012 daba mazal makayan walo nas7ouniiiii 3andi bac+2

  7. أزال المؤلف هذا التعليق.

  8. She is right 100% , Canada and Australia are not for skilled or decent people

  9. صحيح الكل يتصور كندا الجنة الموعودة ترسم في مخيلتك صورا واحلام وردية لكن حين وصولك واكتشافك للواقع تصاب بخيبة امل كبيرة.....ها نندبهم

  10. No guarantee for anything at any country in the world. You have to think seriously about this decision. You have to search and talk to people their from many backgrounds. And finally it ia your choice anf if you said yes I will immigrate dont regret and dont look behind you. Focus and you will succeed.

  11. I came to Canada with my family in 2010, before that I was working in a senior position with one of the reputable banks in Dubai, for 16 years Dubai offered me a lot, but I knew in my heart that like I’m living in a 5 stars hotel and sooner or later I have to check out. For the first sixteen months in Canada I was working on my skills and education to fit within the Canadian system, I spent my savings within the first year, but many government programs and grants were there to support me and my family. After sixteen months in Canada I got a job with one of the Canadian banks, it was a junior position and the salary was less than half what I was making in Dubai, but within 2 years I got two promotions and my salary now is almost equal to what I was making in Dubai. From the moment I entered Canada I felt the humanity and the equality, my wife at the age of 31 got her high school and college diploma (Dream come true) and she’s working now. After four years, I proudly say that I’m a Canadian Citizen and coming to Canada probably was the best decision I took in my life. Canada is a nation of hard workers and if you are not used or not planning to work hard and compete then Canada is not the right place for you. God bless this country.

    1. Hello Dear Can you give me your email address and profile in order to continue on how to communicate in Canada Thanks

  12. I heard so many stories about Canada .. I believe it's fair enough that the government terminates all immigration programs if there are not enough jobs available for everyone who lives inside Canada at the moment .. That would be much better than giving people fake hopes. Canada needs to respect those who live on it's land as well as those who think of immigrating to it.

    1. For sorrow canada needs to bring more population disregarding the capacity of the job market. This is a strategic policy for keeping the demographics level in a sort of way to run the economy. Otherwise and because of decreasing no of child birth, the country will vanish in a matter of decades.

  13. Her story is true and accurate. I was a surgeon in my home country Egypt. I went to canda with bunch of certificate and good intention. They said you have to do the Canadian exams. I did them and I got 98% scores passed from first time I had to work as construction worker during studying. Abd then no jobs. Priority was clearly for local graduates. I tried for 2 years and no. Some people out application with misleading information to get GP jobs. I did not want to lie I'm a surgeon and I want to continue as I was. I got job in Australia as a surgeon went there I was lucky after all my patience I got what I want! When I was in Canada I sent emails to government memebers with simple question. Why do you bring doctors as skilled immigrants and you don't have enough jobs for you local graduates medical students. Their answer indicated one thing they don't know anything about anything. For those who attacked the lady saying she did not want to work. I think the are the same they don't know what they are talking about

  14. الحكومة الكندية لا تبذل جهدا مناسب لدمج العمالة الماهرة المهاجرة لكندا في سوق العمل . هي من فتحت الهجرة لكندا لحاجتها لمزيد من المواطنين كونها قارة قليلة السكان لكنها في المقابل لا تساعدهم على الاندماج الوظيفي في سوق العمل الكندي. وهناك وجهة نظر اخرى للهجرة وهي انها دخل مالي لكندا حيث يصرف هولاء المهاجرين مدخراتهم المالية في كندا ومع الغلاء في السلع تنتهي مدخرات هولاء المهاجرين ويقع تحت حالة من الفقر والعوز وفتات مساعدات الحكومة!!!

  15. I am an immigrant came to Quebec in 2012. When I was doing my csq interview the officer put my file as priority treatment and said that was because the job perspectives in my field are very good. That was a very good news to me. In real life, nothing from that is true. Now after 2 years in Canada and making a graduate studies in a university, im still unemployed. I have lost all my savings, all my energy to work casual jobs and volunteer in ncompanies and work for free hoping that they can hire me someday and my marriage is on epic because of financial problems. I really urge anybody to think so deeply before making this step because myself I can validate what the Indian lady with 100%.

  16. She is Right!!!! That my case and case of most of the iranians around me. I am an engineer from Iran and after 4 years I am still working trash jobs. I will leave from here very soon and return back.

  17. I will share my story as real immigrant experience. I immigrated to, Canada with my big family right after I finished my undergraduate study in Electrical Engineering in Middle east in mid-1990s.
    Once I arrived in Canada, I tried to find job but it was impossible to get an interview since I had no work experience and my degree is from middle east. I didn’t have any saving so in order to survive without job I decided to join community college in electronics mainly to improve my English and to get loan to pay for my $350 rent and $7 food per day. During my 6 months studies in community college I was advised by my instructor to apply for master degree in smaller universities which have smaller number of applicants. I spent my nights studying for TOEFL exams. After I got my TOFEL, I searched online and I identified potential small universities and master degree supervisors. In order to differentiate myself I decided to apply to all university and travel in person to meet the potential supervisors. I bought greyhound intercity monthly bus pass with $350 dollar. I traveled at night to save money on hotels and dropped by universities and I offered supervisor to start right away without payment from their grant by getting student loans. i.e they have nothing to lose by accepting me in their lab right away. One of the supervisor liked my attitude and seriousness and offered me to start next Monday in his lab. I was eager to complete my master ASAP to start working and support my family. I did my classes in the morning and my research at night. I used to arrive to university at 8:00 AM and take last bus at 11:55 at night everyday except Sunday because I needed to do laundry and cook for next week. I finished my master in 1 year. I started looking for job 2 months before my thesis defense. I applied to 120 companies. I got 5 phone interviews, then 3 on-site interviews and an offer in Toronto. I bought greyhound monthly pass for onsite interview in 3 different cities in Canada. I was so excited to start working. I worked hard and advanced in my career. I am director with $350K annual compensation and living in $1Millon house. I got married to 3rd year university immigrant who came with her family when she was 13 year old. She did her master and PhD and she will be Assistant professor next year. I thank Canada everyday for what it offered us. My brothers and sisters all became engineers and pharmacist thanks to student loans.

  18. ههههههههههه انا من اول يوم وجدت شغل وبراتب عالي وبوظيفتي .كفاكم افتراء

  19. مرعب حقا
